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Culture and Values | Optimism

“Context is decisive” – Werner Erhard Conscious or not, each of us—individually and collectively—operate inside of a context. A set of narratives, sometimes created by us and sometimes for us, some helpful and some not, powerfully shapes our thoughts and actions. We are ultimately responsible for the narratives we choose, and they are decisive. Your Tschetter team…

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The Architect

Culture and Values | Market Content | Optimism

“In the physical world, great buildings are linked to their architect while those who had poured the concrete or installed the windows are soon forgotten.  Berkshire has become a great company.  Though I have long been in charge of the construction crew; Charlie should forever be credited with being the architect.” – Warren Buffet This…

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Vote of Confidence

Culture and Values | Market Content | Optimism

Every few years, we find ourselves inundated by presidential election-related news, noise, and campaign ads. It can be a deafening drumbeat of scare tactics, exaggerations, and unattainable promises, all aimed at swaying voters one way or another. In the last presidential election cycle (2019-2020), the Federal Election Committee reported that presidential campaigns spent $4.1 billion,…

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Bold & Humble

Culture and Values | Market Content | Optimism

“You don’t have to be brilliant, only a little bit wiser than the other guys, on average, for a long, long, time.” – Charlie Munger                                                                                                                                                Happy 2024!  We are grateful to roll into this new year with you and pleased to report strong portfolio results for the year just ended. At the end of…

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Culture and Values | Market Content | Optimism

“Speed is irrelevant if you are going in the wrong direction.” – Mahatma Ghandi Is it just us, or does everything just seem to move faster these days? We’ve long known the world (and hence markets) to be a noisy place, full of all sorts of things vying for our attention, but our always-on media…

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Celebrating 6! (And Announcing 3 More)

Culture and Values

Last week we celebrated six years as an independent advisory firm. Let us be clear, all our reasons to celebrate come back to the wonderful group of clients and friends of the firm who journey with us, so thank YOU for this milestone! When we set out, we kept one question above all the others: “Can we…

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Next Generation Education Curriculum

Culture and Values | Optimism | Planning

At Tschetter Group, our mission is to give people optimism about life and money. As we’ve pressed into this mission, we’ve learned one of the most important components of inspiring optimism is to give people confidence in every financial decision they make. As the world evolves around us and we continue to get inundated with…

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Culture and Values | Market Content | Optimism

“To be a consistent winner means preparing not just one day, one month, or even one year – but for a lifetime.” -Bill Rodgers, Four-time winner of the Boston Marathon As I begin writing this, waves of runners are launching headlong into a rain-soaked beast of a marathon course in Boston.  From its first running…

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Congratulations to Nathan!

Culture and Values | Optimism

We are so proud to announce that Nathan Mumford has completed the rigorous three year process of earning his Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA) designation.   Nathan’s dedication and commitment to his craft earning this prestigious designation is truly commendable. The CFA designation is widely recognized as the gold standard for investment professionals globally, and it…

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What Matters Most

Culture and Values | Market Content | Optimism | Planning

“A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.” -Herbert Simon, Artificial Intelligence (AI) pioneer This quote was buried in an article I read last month related to the launch of ChatGPT, an AI-driven chatbot that has received its fair share of media attention.  For those of you curious about what it means for the…

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