Eli Gripp Operations Associate
I have a drive for precision and efficiency, and a passion for serving others. In both my professional and personal life, I love to create processes and maximize efficiency. I believe that effective teamwork and operations are the root of success for companies, and I believe this is one of many keys to success for Tschetter Group. I find joy in serving others, being able to witness the impact you can make on someone’s life through consistent acts of kindness and care. At the Tschetter Group, I get the pleasure of working with a talented and tactful team, providing optimism in investing for our clients, through efficient operations and immense care for those we serve.
B.A., Geography: Data Science, University of Washington
Minor, Informatics, University of Washington
West Seattle Younglife Leader
Mosaic Community Church
Kraken Hockey League
To me optimism is hope and excitement. In the context of life and investing, sometimes we can become anxious and worried by the unknown. I think that optimism is created through thoughtful preparation, preparing for what you can and having confidence in your course of action. Once you begin to tackle your fears and worries, bit by bit they become less intimidating. Through hard work and persistence, what used to cause worry can bring hope and excitement for the future.
What do you love about what you do?
I love working with people and being a part of a team. Academically and professionally, I have been a part of many teams and am always amazed by the different skills each individual brings to the table. A good team creates an environment where its members thrive and produces results that could not be achieved through individual effort. I love that I get to be a part of an incredible team of talented individuals, providing outstanding service to our clients.
Who is someone you admire, and why?
My mom and dad. My parents are the most hardworking, loving, trustworthy, and caring people that I know. My parents taught me the importance of hardwork, integrity and selflessness and I strive to follow the example that they laid before me.
What is the biggest misperception about you?
I’m a pretty extroverted person, but I crave my quiet alone time; it’s how I re-charge. I love hanging out with friends, family, playing pickleball, or going to events around Seattle, but at the end of the week I need some “me” time.
What are three traits that you think best describe or define you?
Fun-loving, Adventurous, Empathetic.
When you’re not working, I’ll find you…
Playing or watching sports with my friends! I love playing basketball, football, hockey, pickleball, and sometimes golf. I love being active and am a part of many rec. sports leagues.
What’s your personal motto or tagline?
You can learn or accomplish anything you put your mind to.