Category: Optimism
Boundlessly Creative
“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” – Albert Einstein As we close 2024 and look ahead to this new year, our team is immensely grateful for your trust and engagement in this partnership journey as we work to cultivate and fulfill your unique intentions for wealth. Thank you. We’re also happy to report…
2024 Year-End Insights & 2025 Outlook
2024 Year-End Insights & 2025 Outlook As 2024 draws to a close, we want to help you tie up loose ends, meet important deadlines, and set the stage for a successful year ahead. Below, we’ve outlined key financial dates and updates to keep in mind as you finish the year strong and prepare for 2025.…
The World Keeps Spinning, Maybe Too Fast
The United States of America has survived another presidential election, and we are confident in the smooth transition of power come January. Most domestic stock market indexes (e.g., the Dow Jones, S&P 500, Russell 1000, etc.) are trading near all-time highs and continuing their upward movement seen over the past two years. As we opined…
“The smallest ripple can start a wave that becomes a tsunami” – Japanese Proverb “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples” – Mother Teresa It’s hard to believe we’re already staring down the home stretch of 2024, with the holiday season…
Was That a Speed Bump or Sink Hole?
Was That a Speed Bump or Sink Hole? In just 14 trading days from mid-July to early August, the S&P 500 sold off over 8%. Although periods of negative returns never feel good, market corrections are inevitable and part of the process of achieving attractive long-term returns. It is times like these that remind us of the importance…
In Dependence
“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” – Ecclesiastes Warm summer greetings! It’s our sincere hope this finds you experiencing abundance in every dimension, coming off 4th of July celebrations and enjoying the early days of summer. On the heels of celebrating independence, we…
Forty Thousand
Forty Thousand. That’s the level the Dow Jones Industrial Index passed last week—an all-time high. The S&P 500 is also at record levels. All seems good. Maybe too good. The stock market, as defined by either the Dow Jones Industrial Index or the S&P 500, seems to push higher on a weekly basis. This may lead to complacency and…
“Context is decisive” – Werner Erhard Conscious or not, each of us—individually and collectively—operate inside of a context. A set of narratives, sometimes created by us and sometimes for us, some helpful and some not, powerfully shapes our thoughts and actions. We are ultimately responsible for the narratives we choose, and they are decisive. Your Tschetter team…
The Architect
“In the physical world, great buildings are linked to their architect while those who had poured the concrete or installed the windows are soon forgotten. Berkshire has become a great company. Though I have long been in charge of the construction crew; Charlie should forever be credited with being the architect.” – Warren Buffet This…
Vote of Confidence
Every few years, we find ourselves inundated by presidential election-related news, noise, and campaign ads. It can be a deafening drumbeat of scare tactics, exaggerations, and unattainable promises, all aimed at swaying voters one way or another. In the last presidential election cycle (2019-2020), the Federal Election Committee reported that presidential campaigns spent $4.1 billion,…