Tschetter Blog
Extraordinary is an apt, though perhaps too kind, word for 2020. I’m sure we all could come up with a few choice words to describe the past twelve months. It certainly wasn’t ordinary and it had plenty of “extra”, so I guess we’ll go with that one for now. Extraordinary is also a good description…
Congratulations to Kelli!
Tschetter Group is proud to announce that our Financial Planner, Kelli Kingma, has passed the CFP® examination and will soon be applying for her CFP® certificate. The CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification is largely considered the highest standard in financial planning. It is a rigorous process that requires each advisor candidate to satisfy educational and experience-based…
Still In This Together
We are still in this together. Even as we woke to an uncertain election outcome, that’s our overwhelming feeling and encouragement to you this morning. We say this well aware of current reality. Votes will likely be counted for days still and the courts may even be involved in deciding the outcome. It’s clear, as…
Deeper Waters
“Sail forth—steer for the deep waters only” – Walt Whitman I recently read “The Shallows” by Nicholas Carr, a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize ten years ago and for me it couldn’t have been more timely as we head into the breathless media coverage of the upcoming election. A mash up of brain science and…
Election Jitters? We’re Ready
Greetings from the Tschetter Group on this last official day of summer.
Your Story Matters
Greetings! For those of you whom I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting , my name is Amy Burry and I started with Tschetter Group a couple months back. It has been wonderful to meet so many of you either over the phone or by email since I arrived. You have made me feel…